Monday, March 21, 2016

Never Trust the People

The mighty Boaty McBoatface proudly plows the seas
Great Britain, one-time ruler of the waves, is renowned for her many-storied tradition of unmatched scientific and oceanographic exploration. Such ships as the Endeavour, the Beagle, and the Victory adorn the hallowed halls of British naval history.

Now, standing in this grand heritage, England is constructing another cutting edge, second-to-none vessel that will proudly sail as the most advanced research ship in all the world. The National Environment Research Council chose to give the great honor of naming this epic craft to the british people.

“We’re looking for an inspirational name," the Council proclaimed, "one that exemplifies the work it will do”

Never failing to rise to a challenge, especially when they are acting for Queen and country, the british people poured over the many, many names available. By a slow and exacting process they narrowed the options until finally, like a diamond shinning amid the muck, the indisputable and inevitable choice came clear:

And so britain's naval tradition will live on in her newest and mightiest member, the RRS Boaty McBoatface!

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